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How to Give

Thank you for continuing to support your church through this time!

While we are unable to worship together in person, there are three ways that you can still give.


Give online



Click to access the online giving portal

Text to give



Text “Give” to 636-275-1836

Mail your gift

Troy Holiness Church

1220 S. Main St.

Troy MO 63379

Audio Sermons

Click an sermon title below to listen to the full audio version of that sermon







Note: You are downloading a zip file that contains many files inside of it. You will need to unzip the file on your local computer to view all the media contained in it.

A musical celebration, with music performed by Michelle Probst (joined by Brittany Hosmer on flute). Service from June 23, 2019.


Conversations on Outreach

A series of three conversations with Rev. Rowan Fay about outreach through relational evangelism. The set includes audio, slides and handouts.






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