Times & Address
Sunday Sunday School, 9:30 am |
Wednesday Prayer, 6:30 pm Kids’ Bible Study, 6:30 pm |
Address 1224 S. Main St Troy, MO 63379 |
David and Zenia Woods, with their boys Joseph and Noah, moved to Troy to become our pastor July 1, 2023.
David holds a B.A. in Religion (Pastoral Emphasis) from Kansas Christian College and an M.A. in Ministerial Leadership from Indiana Wesleyan University.
David has pastored churches for over 20 years in Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri, and overseas in the Cayman Islands.
Zenia holds a B.A. in Missions and B.A. in Elementary Education from Kansas Christian College, and an M.S. in Unified Education from MidAmerica Nazarene University.
David and Zenia married in 2008, and together they have pastored churches in El Dorado Springs, MO and the Cayman Islands.
2 Corinthians 5:20 is Pastor David’s life verse and forms his personal mission statement. 2 Corinthians 5:20 (ESV): “Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.”
God speaks in and through the Bible. Both the Old and New Testaments are inspired by God and therefore inerrant and infallible, the only authoritative guide for Christian faith and life.
Jesus Christ is God the Son. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, lived a perfectly sinless life and died as an atonement for the sin of all mankind. He physically rose from the dead, ascended into heaven, intercedes for all men, and will one day bodily return to earth.
Sin is rebellion against God. God created man in His own image, which includes immortality and moral choice. Because Adam, the first man, disobeyed God, all people are inherently sinful from conception. Death and all forms of suffering are the result of sin. |
God is the triune Creator and Sovereign. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are fully and equally God, in perfect harmony, and infinitely holy, powerful, wise, and loving.
Salvation is only through faith in the once-for-all death of Jesus. Genuine faith includes repentance from sin, leads to obedience to God, and culminates in eternal fellowship with Him. Those who refuse to come to God in repentance and faith will continue to exist in separation from Him for eternity.
Every believer is called to holiness. This includes being fully consecrated to God, being filled with the Spirit and becoming progressively more like Christ throughout life. The Holy Spirit calls and enables every believer to live in unbroken fellowship with God. If a believer fails to live up to this potential, Christ’s intercession provides for his or her restoration. |
Core Values
ScriptureWe hold to the Bible as God’s inerrant, authoritative Word. Each week, our Sunday School and other groups study and discuss the Bible, the sermons give scriptural reasons for Christian faith and practice, and even the songs proclaim biblical truth. In all things, we strive to keep Scripture as the foundation of all that we believe and the guide for how we live. |
PrayerGod has granted an incredible privilege – the ability to approach Him in prayer at any time, for any reason. We go through studies and books on prayer, we maintain a weekly list of prayer requests, we pray together and separately, and we engage in a variety of prayer focuses and challenges. Prayer is the heart of our worship and the source of our spiritual strength. |
RelationshipThe Christian life was not meant to be lived alone, and so we work to build genuine relationships with one another and with the community around us. We strive to “bear one another’s burdens” by praying for, connecting with, and supporting one another. A variety of events provide opportunities for building relationships, and our community outreach centers on building relationships with friends and neighbors. |
The Troy Holiness Church began in 1925 with a three-week tent revival meeting led by Rev. and Mrs. Floyd Martin, held on a lot on East Cherry Street. The following year, Rev. Martin returned to hold another tent revival meeting, this time in a larger tent on the Fairgrounds. After this meeting, the people decided to form a church, and the congregation worshipedin various homes under the leadership of Rev. Lawrence Schaper. A lot was purchased and a church building was erected on West Cherry Street in 1927.
The Bible Holiness Church (with whom Troy Holiness Church is affiliated) began an annual camp meeting in Troy in 1935 in a tent on the fairgrounds with Free Methodist evangelist Rev. E. E. Shelhammer speaking. The following year, the present property at 1220 South Main St. was purchased, and the old-fashioned Troy Camp is still held annually the last week of May, featuring evangelists and singers from around the country.
In 1961, the church built a parsonage on the campground, and in 1973, Rev. Dilwyn Goins oversaw the opening of Troy Holiness School with Kindergarten – 8th grade students. High school classes were added in 1984, and Troy Holiness School continues offering a K – 12 Christian education. The church purchased a house on 3rd Street to use as a parsonage, and the house on the campground now serves as the principal’s residence.
In 1989, the church began construction on a new building adjacent to the camp and school grounds. During construction, a heavy storm destroyed the partially-completed building, but the church was finished in 1990 and is the building you see today.
God is continuing to breathe new life into an old church, and we invite you to join in what God is doing at Troy Holiness today!
Contact Us
Sunday Service are at 10:30am @ 1224 S. Main St., Troy, MO 63379 – View Map